Hey I'am Joe from Germany and pretty new at Toribash.. Ok not really THAT new I made my Account this summer (I think it was in July) and I'am playing constantly since then. I was never really exited about the forum and the community to be honest but I just got brown belt, started to play at tourneys so I thought now its time to introduce myself
I really like playing Toribash, but I'am not really good at it (I mean what did you expect form a brown belt), I still have to figure out what every joint exactly does and have my problems here and there, but overall I would consider myself a little bit better than the most brown belts (I mean I win 3-4 out of 5 matches in the Semi-Pro Lobby) except I play against an alt ---- My favourite mode so far is Judo (I know very random) because i never felt comfortable with Aikido so I just got used to Judo. In the moment I try to learn a bit wushu because I want to get away from Judo and explore the non Noob modes (My only problem is I can't jump in a certain direction so..... Lets say I do my opener but when I'am back at points after my my move I have a problem).
So far I only won 2 "tourneys" but to be honest it was only this 500 Tc Judo tourney against like 12 other players, not really good I know but at least something I mean everyone has to start somewhere....
A few infos about my Person besides that:
I live as I said in germany, I'am 16 years old. I have two hobbies the first one is gaming and the other one is shooting... There is not much more to say if you have any questions just ask me I' gonna answer them in like.... 16 hours
- Joe
Ps: If you find any grammar/spelling mistakes you can correct me of course but please don't get offensive and consider that I'am still learning and its not my native language, thx.