1. Timezone:GMT
2. Forum activity, Rate yourself 1-10: 7.5
3. In-game activity, Rate yourself 1-10: 10
4. What is rule #3? It is how much time you spend in the game playing online
5. Who is the President of (xp)? IHopz
6. Are you willing to follow ALL clan rules knowing that if you don't you will be kicked? Most definatly
7. Why do you want to join (xp)? (Put some effort into this part this is probably the most important part of the application!) I want to join (xp) because i have been playing toribash for about 3-4 months and i have started to get into how the game works and all the other extra bits and i found an (xp) player so i thought i might try to get into the clan Thanks for reading my app