Original Post
(SaV)Savants recruitment thread.

The applications have to be in freeform writing where you tell us about yourself and your interests, skills and what you have to offer this clan. Its allowed to use funny phrases and things that can make us laugh.
Tip: We are a ninjutsu/rk-mma/spar clan so give us max 1 replay i
n each mod, where you rek ass.

If you get accepted you will be put on a 1 week trial, that week you will have to show us: Maturity, friendship and several other obvious things.

Thread rules for applicants:
You may post only once each time we are recruiting.
Do not use colors or fonts in your application.
Disable smileys.
Do not post what belt you are and such things we can find out ourselves.

Thread rules for Clan members:

Do not spam.
Disable smileys.
Do not use any kind of colors or fonts.
Give a reason of your answer to an application.

We wish you good luck applying ~ -MaT- | Noel | -Link
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

And there is 1 more rule for my applicants try to be funny don't be so serious we want people who have great personality