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[Tex]My First Scanned Head
So, yesterday I tried a different way of making a head. I drew it on a piece of paper then I used my scanner to upload it.

1. What do you think of this way of making textures

2. How to you like the head?:3

3. How much do you think this is worth?

Watermarked flat

Watermarked sketch


Last edited by SnazzyBoss; Nov 16, 2013 at 09:45 PM.
Shh... Im Slick
afaik, begotten's set was made that way, with some photoshop editing afterwards. someone correct me if i'm wrong.

it's a nice way to do it, it works good if you have more skills in drawing irl than on a computer
either way, keep practising. the proportions are a bit off, the mapping aswell.
Originally Posted by SnazzyBoss View Post
Thanks and how much would you think this would go for?

200-750TC In my opinion. It'll be another manga, boring anime style, badly done. So I don't think it will go for more than 1000TC. But I may be wrong.