Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Name change
ok, i know a name change costs 100k, but isn't there other things you can do? like cap changes cost 5k or so, and cant you change just 1 letter? how much would that cost?
Still would cost 100k.
Changing one letter still constitutes a complete name change as the name is completely changed, and no longer the same as it was before.
If you want a name change but only want to change 1 letter, I would honestly suggest that you completely change your entire name, rather then just one letter.
Originally Posted by Fish
Name changes can only be done by administrators. It costs 100,000 TC. This price doubles every time you change your name.

If you only want to change the case of a letter in your username, it costs 5k per letter changed. For example, 'Fish' to 'FISH' costs 15k.

As for your second statement, dscigs is correct.
Mystery, would you be able to take out 1 letter for 5k? or 100k due to the reason that you're completely making it a new name.
Originally Posted by zomfier View Post
Mystery, would you be able to take out 1 letter for 5k? or 100k due to the reason that you're completely making it a new name.

still 100k

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.