Original Post
Idea For a game
Hello guys ;)
I am involved in a local contest where I have to program a game.
I have some experince with SDL graphics (made some 2d games), but i am in need for a great idea.
The most I can think of is a spaceships game, but the lack of originality is obvious..

Help me
Maybe try remaking an old game and completely revamp the graphics and add some cool new features into it.
I mean just look at this guy, he did something really original with Mario
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
Originally Posted by Hades View Post
Maybe try remaking an old game and completely revamp the graphics and add some cool new features into it.
I mean just look at this guy, he did something really original with Mario

I would buy that game in a heart beat. :P
Making a game eh.... mhmmmm

So why not make a game that is playable for every gender :/
Why not make some kind of game that NEVER EVER ends.
Give the game some AWESOME easter eggs IN THE GAME.
Make the easter eggs HARD TO FIND.

That's all I can think of

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