Original Post
Need help just returned
i just came back from over 2 years of not playing, can i go back down to a white belt somehow?
I think that all his knowledge is gone and he dont wana be a black belt noob that all stupid people will criticize
But he wants his 4 years old acckunt
Am I right?
INB4 14 days ban
scorpionma nailed it.

I don't remember how to play really so I'd like a fresh slate. unless it means losing my items?
Just to 100% confirm since this is a one way action that we wont undo if you change your mind.

You want the account set to 0 QI again?

Items etc you have will still be in the account, the only item that doesn't work without the correct QI is the Custom Belt item so you've got nothing to worry about in that regard.

So yeah, confirm that you definitely want it done & I'll happily strip the QI

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you