1.Who is the CO-Leader: scottymoore2010
2.Favorite mod: Aikido/ ABD
3.Forum activity 1-5: 4.5
4.In-game activity 1-5: 3.5
5.Why do you want to join?: Heard Good things about this clan from Sirenn, So I figured you all a a cool clan to apply for.
6.Tell us about yourself(put your age here): Im 15 years of age, Ive been playing toribash since 2011. Took a break in 2012 because of PC problems, And just got back in to it recently. But other than that my hobbies are Bmxing, Photography, and Gaming.
7.Post 3 replays of your choice: I'm retarded and don't know how but if you all would be so kind to tell me, Ill post some
Last edited by WhipBMX; Dec 31, 2013 at 09:35 PM.