Original Post
The whole "get kicked and lose elo" thing
Admit it. there has always been at least once when you were about to win a match then got kicked and lost elo. I think that if somebody kicks you from a game when you are playing, that they should lose elo even if they are not playing because others could do it for them and what-not. Same goes for reseting but only to a certain frame. mainly because if they reset in the beggining they shouldn't lose elo.

I think the purpose of the elo penalty is cool, but when people actually have irl stuff that they gotta do, any they have to spectate, I think it really fucks people over.

I wish they'd fine tune it so people aren't getting screwed over as much as they are.

why tho
This would be nice, also if you're an op and you fspec yourself you don't lose elo.
Last edited by Lazors; Dec 13, 2013 at 05:17 PM. Reason: Too much off topic.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Ugh. There was a lot of discussion about how to reduce the unfairness of this.
Guess the devs didn't have the time, which is actually understandable considering the amount of posts etc.

Here's three simple rules that is reasonably fair and almost un-abuseable.

-Leaving the game before a specific amount of turns (amount of spaces, not turnframes) doesn't give you an ELO penalty.

-When a player executes a command that gets a player out of the game, the penalty should always lie on the one who executed the command - if an op fspecs you the penalty is on the op, if you spec yourself the penalty is on you. This applies as long as it doesn't conflict with rule #1.

-Quitting and pinging is regarded in the same way, an ELO penalty for the one who quitted or pinged. If a player goes afk pre-game no penalty is given. If two players quit, ping, or go afk at (roughly) the same time, no penalty is given. This applies as long as it doesn't conflict with rule #1 or #2.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I have an idea about this
maybe if for example
Tori wants to quit
but he is afraid of the penalty
so he press a command so uke is informed if he would be agree
if he does
no penalty
and then tori wuits happily
INB4 14 days ban
So a "surrender" option?
As long as people don't abuse it like the LoL community. We want most of the games to actually get played.
No QI/tc/Elo given to either of the players upon surrender, and this could work.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I'm all for the surrender idea if it were feasible to put a 5 minute temp ban on the account. If you don't have time to play, don't play.

The other parts of what you've said so far Lazors is great. I like them a lot, and I'll bring it upstairs.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
If you don't have time to play, don't play.

Some players get pulled away from their computers randomly. Emergencies or just something that came up at that time. Penalizing someone for that isn't particularly right.
With that being said, I agree with scorpionma;

Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
I have an idea about this
maybe if for example
Tori wants to quit
but he is afraid of the penalty
so he press a command so uke is informed if he would be agree
if he does
no penalty
and then tori quits happily

I fully support the option to have your opponent agree to not get the elo penalty if you have to go.
why tho
Butlike I said
both sides should agree
if it was a surrender from one side it would be pointless
But yea lazors
no side should be given anything or lose
INB4 14 days ban
If you're kicked you don't lose ELO.
The allowed time to leave the game without losing ELO is until the first turn is executed.
AFK players don't lose ELO.

It was all implemented when 4.6 came out.

Surrender option is not needed. As Hax has already said, if you know that you don't have time to play, don't play.