Original Post
Contract/Extend Keyboard Button Issue
So this has already been mentioned, but the title wasn't too accurate and it seems to get no attention that way.
The "y" key on some QWERTZ type keyboards doesn't work for contract/extend anymore (x,c and other key bindings in that line still work).
This is a huge issue for many players, including myself who learned to play this way from the very beginning. Before you start stating the obvious, no, learning some other method in the meanwhile is out of the question (like the mousewheel, or clicking like some newb).
Could someone release a hotfix for this, please? It's probably not too hard or time consuming to do. Thanks in advance.
Hmmm, I was told it was now fixed. Maybe they meant in the next version? Damned vague devs :/

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Shakky View Post
Have the same Problem.To fix it just change your Keyboard Layout in Windows to US. It's the game that's broken, not my keyboard layout.