Original Post
Photoshop Brushes Need answer bad
hey I question about photoshop.

where do you put the brushes.
Originally Posted by Magmaa View Post is your friend.

this is true
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
download them onto the desktop then drag and drop into

program files>adobe>photoshop>presets>brushes
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

deviant art is a good website for this
EDIT: oh yeah... missed that part, thanks nepo.
the only thing ive had to do with em is double click them and it will apply them automatically... but im not sure it will work with your version
Last edited by jimbob; Jul 31, 2008 at 11:19 PM.
His problem is that he doesn't know where to put them. He has my cracked version, which doesn't have some of the folders. What you need to do is go to the brush section, look in the top right hand corner and find the thing with an arrow and three lines. Click it. Now go to load brushes. Find the brush on your computer and click ok.