Hey cboy14. Betting servers are easy to get going, but it takes a risk! You have the possibility of no one joining and no one betting, but don't worry, the more time you put into it the better outcome you will get!
First, it is important to know when to host a betting server. You can find information about ingame stats on the top right of the forums. This lets you know how many players are online. Wait until there are about 300+ players, that is a good amount of players to have a good server, even though it can be done with less.
Here are the steps to opening a betting server.
1. Make room name simple like "betss"
2. Once in the room, enter the following into the chat
- /set mod aikidobigdojo.tbm
- /reset or /rt
- /minbet 100
- /betframes 80
- /setowner <make up a password>
- /owner <password you made>
- /house <your name>
- /maxrake 100000
- /maxclients 25-28
- /desc <what you want to name your server>
- /motd <what people see when entering your server><usually "Nudges <tc> to <your name>"
(For the /desc and /motd, you can use colors to make the names stand out more. A thread about how to do colors can be found here.
Once you have your room set up, you are going to want to do a Global Broadcast to draw attention to your room and get people coming and betting.
To do a Global Broadcast, you want to go here.
This is the risky part of making a bet server, because the prices are moderately costly.
The Price for a normal user is 10k, but the price for a VIP member is 5k. (I highly recommend you talking to a VIP member and sending him 5k to do the global for your server for you. A VIP member can be spotted by having a picture in the background of their post and/or a picture in their signature. (I am VIP and would be more than happy to global your server for you, just PM me))
Once your server is up and running, you will have many responsibilities. Most keeping your server up running, which is the easy part.
Here are a list of server commands you might need to keep your server running.
But a few that you might use the most I will list below:
- /bet <tc> <name>
- /cancelbets (Only use if there are no counters after betframes. Also, if there happens to be a draw, right when it says "Draw" do this command otherwise the tc will be sunk.)
- /nudge <name> <position in queue> (Used for nudging people in line)
- /mute <name> (Mutes a single person)
- /unmute <name>
- /muteall (Mutes the entire server, except ops)
- /unmuteall
- /kick <name> (Kicks player from server)
- /ban add <name> (Bans player from server)
- /minbelt <QI Number> (Sets the minimum belt the player has to be to join the server, Belt QI numbers can be found here. BELT QI.)
- /earnings <name> (Lets you see how much someone has bet, how much they have recieved, and how much profit they have made)
- /reset (Use if the match glitches, both players will agree and let you know if it has)
- /cp <message> (This places a message on everyone's screen from you, you can use colors to make the message "pop")
One thing that keeps players into the server itself are nudges, many players will spend their tc to be at the front of the line when they are erching to fight. Always keep your Nudges up to date.
Nudges are a very important part of every betting server. Players will pay you a certain amount of tc to be nudged to the front of the queue. /nudge <name> <position in queue> (Command to do this is in the list above)
When you start the server, it is usually acceptable to charge players 500tc for a nudge. You can let players know this by putting it in your /motd when you start the server. Also, you can do reminders every now and again, not too often though. As bets start getting higher and more people start buying nudges, it is acceptable to raise the price of nudges. If many people start buying nudges, you can raise the price to 1000tc and many people will still buy them.
Another thing to do is called a "Highest Bets Round" or "HBR" for short. For the HBR, the player who bets the most tc will receive a free nudge to 1st.
You generally want to wait for two well known players to face each other before you do this, this way you rack up more bets. Announce the HBR the match before, and when the two players get up to fight, do /cp HBR HIGHEST BET GETS FREE NUDGE or something similar.
I know the most important part of hosting a bet server to you is, "HOW WILL I MAKE TC DOING THIS?"
There are three ways to gain tc while hosting.
- First, this way requires no effort at all. When you set /house <your name> You will automatically receive 10% of all lost bets. So if the person that loses has 10k bet on them, you will receive 1k in bet rakes.
- Second, are the nudges. When someone pays you for a nudge, they will transfer the tc to your account via the shop, they should know how to do this, but you might need to tell them. Be sure to have the forums up on your transaction history so you can see when someones sends you nudge money, can be found here. TRANSACTION HISTORY.
- Third, this would be betting. This one has a chance of you losing tc, but why host a betting server if you aren't willing to bet yourself! There isn't much fun without risks.
Eventually the server will die and the players will start to leave, this will always happen and it usually starts to happen when the bets start slowing down. You can either choose to Broadcast again, or let the remaining players play for fun.
Hopefully this will help you have a successful betting server. Goodluck!
(If I come up with more information, I will add it to this post)