[B] TC/ITEMS | Paying with PayPal
Selling TC?
Selling good items?
I'll buy them!!!
QI = 1,000
STOCK - 21.00/25.00
Rates for TC is 10k for 1 USD - NO HAGGLES!!! I also do not want to see stupid crap like - "Mah Cronos furce - $9".
Both ankle joints (128x128 - $6.50 USD) Haggleable
Both wrist joints (128x128 - $6.50 USD) Haggleable
Full 128 body texture set (128x128 - $4.00 USD) Non Haggleable Bought from Imapirate
More to come as I think.
Last edited by xNess; Jan 2, 2014 at 02:17 AM.