Original Post
[R]HQ Head!
So, i need really epic polar bear head!

Сolors: Pure(force)/Sapphire(relax)
Size: 512x512
Payment: TC
Price range 20-40k! Depends on how well you'll do it. So, If you draw it epic, then I will pay accordingly!

Just have a look:


Good luck guys! Hope, you won't let me down!
Last edited by Godjin; Jan 5, 2014 at 12:44 PM.
Originally Posted by EinVasalle View Post
I'm in by the way. Shall I go on like that?


no thx, this is not what I want.
I need a bit more details.
and that work is not for 20k or more, sorry.
Well, dat work is better. But i can see here lots of empty seats. Just assimilate pls, i need a decent work! Reeeeally worthy one. I hope that you understand me. Try to surprise me.
Here , I'm not that good with animals... but I couldn't bear to not make this one - Ba dum tsssh


Last edited by kyleireland; Jan 6, 2014 at 06:03 PM.
Originally Posted by EinVasalle View Post
How about this?


Originally Posted by kyleireland View Post
Here , I'm not that good with animals... but I couldn't bear to not make this one - Ba dum tsssh


Guys your works are really cute. But i told you that there are lots of empty seats. And i really dislike that. I want a head with many details, so i can't pay for it 20 or 40k really. Add smting, make it not dull. Hope, you will do it well.
Originally Posted by Godjin View Post
Guys your works are really cute. But i told you that there are lots of empty seats. And i really dislike that. I want a head with many details, so i can't pay for it 20 or 40k really. Add smting, make it not dull. Hope, you will do it well.

What exactly do you want? you said nothing realistic and nothing else, can you explain more?
Well, yes i told that nothing realistic but it doesn't metter that it should be only the mouth, nose and eyes. I don't wanna see too many empty seats in your works. Just have your own fantasy. And i don't wonna pay 40k for heads, like "mouth,nose and eyes and nothing more".