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[Art] (Graphic Design), Concept character for mini game. Tequila Party Rabbit!
Hello Everyone,
I'm Chicken89 and I'm a Graphic Designer,
here's a character I draw yesterday for fun, the idea was quite clear, so It didn't took long time. I skipped all the steps and draw it directly in Illustrator.
It is in vector, and all done into one layer..... I knooow that was a stupid move from me, since now I need to separate it on different layers to simplify the work I have to do for animate it.

Hope you like it.

This is the Tequila Party Rabbit.
Yep, those are Lemons I draw, turned into symbols and sprayed all over with the (shift+S) symbol spray can tool selecting "random rotation".
I don't really like the vignette, doesn't quite fit in. Try a cleaner back? Maybe a slight orange, as contrast and compliment to the blue?

Also, think the arms would look more connected with sharp lines?

something along the lines of... this?

Everything else looks alright, but that one skew ear, seems out of place. Was it done on purpose for it to seem more, organic/alive?
I dint want to higher the contrast. I just like the vignette because it give me the sensation of the picture of a print... even if now that I look it from my mac on medium light and default colors it seems a bit too heavy that filter. :v monitors
I may gonna try the thing about the arm lines but I think I will keep it this way.
And I don't really understand what u talking about the ear.... I just didn't want them to be too straight and rigid and I crooked a bit the lines. It just look right to me.