Joint score/Body score..present since 4.6? I guess? We can totally change everything with the damage system now. Thanks hamps! <3
EDIT2: Ok, since damage to score is only one that is working atm, I was testing it for a bit.
Move used: Turn 1: Hold all:Contract right pec, raise right shoulder, rotate chest left.
Turn 2: Lower right shoulder, hold chest
Usual points, head hit for 15k
Setting damage to score: 1 = you get 100 points for the hit
Setting damage to score: 100= you get 100 points for the hit
Setting damage to score 149= you get 100 points for the hit
Setting damage to score 155= you get no points
Just to explain: Normal damage system has: 100 multiplier for head hit: so actually 15000= 150 x 100
That's why, on 153 damage to get no points at all. 155x100= 15500
Last edited by William; Jan 11, 2014 at 05:44 PM.