[o] Rules + Creation Story/Bible
Clan Rules
1. Do not flame those who do not deserve it.
2. Don't beg or be a nuisance.
3. Do not break any of the Game rules/forum rules (obviously)
4. Stay active ingame and/or on our forum - notify us if you will be inactive
5. Don't be a bitch.
6. Have fun!
Rule breakers will be warned, frequent rule breakers may be kicked - your actions will lead to consequences, the crime fits the punishment.
We are a fun clan, we joke around a lot. We dislike people without a sense of humor, learn to laugh at your own failure then you will understand.
We're a close group, we prefer personality and awesomeness over ingame skill (though we like some of that also). ;)
In a hidden civilization deep under the oceans, an advanced society of fighters had been living peacefully with each other for thousands of years. They ate like other humans, they breathed like other humans, and they even made the same phonetic utterances as the land people. But one thing has separated this race from the others. It was their devotion to the study of the way their ancestors fought, the way of the Ten Thousand Fists.
-First Installment-
It has been a common legend that in the days when all humans lived above water, the ancestors of the TTF race had received a prophecy from their gods, the Holy Three Hands. This message told them to create this society under the sea, isolated from the evils of the other races above them, and to study and purify their arts for a time when their strengths would be needed by the gods. And this they did. The rest of the world went on, ignorant of the disappearance of this isolated race. Generations came and went, and the TTF people continued refining their art. Finally, a young soldier who went by Hampus was sent down by the Gods to summon the holy clan. The Great Toribash War had started...
-Second Installment-
The War had been started by the infamous Veb, a dictator who had managed to control all of Asia, and had started spreading his reign over Europe. It was during this time that the TTF rose out in the Pacific. The land was still miles away. However, their ancestors had taught them the secret to walking on water, a skill first discovered by an even more ancient prophet, believed to be the spirit of the Second Holy Fist. They ran over the ocean into the backdoor of the Vebian Empire, completely unexpected and started to observe the ways of their enemies, finding their weaknesses. After several months, they were ready to overthrow the Vebians.
-Third Installment-
They had learned one thing that was as weakness to the Vebian army. There was too much corruption and the bureaucratic barriers made their counter-attacks slow. Additionally, the lack of a central thought, other than to conquer, made the soldiers not as willing to sacrifice their lives for each other. These would be the cause of their downfall.
Lead by the wise Shin-Yami, AKA Coon/Jim, the army of TTF started by capturing the island of Japan, the hardest to overcome, due to the unity and relative purity of the native soldiers. In this first battle, there were several heroes that rose above the rest of the army. The finest was Hampus, who was able to control the physical properties of the battlefield. He made the warriors of the Japanese branch feel heavier and move slower, becoming more prone to attack.
Another hero was AcidMan, who defeated, single-handedly, over 2500 Japanese samurai fighters.
Then a young warrior, called Jak, helped make fighting armour for the TTF army, making them invulnerable to high impacts of small bullets.
Then, in the background, the leader, Jim, entertained himself by spreading itch powder among the Vebians, creating great chaos.
In the end, the TTF only lost 2 members, but none to the Vebians, who lost over 9000. These 2 deserters were Coke and Rott, who ran over the water to the mainland to join Veb in his evils.
However, two prisoners of the battle were converted to TTF beliefs. One was an aged man Leo; he had left behind his family who were captured by the Inner Circle of the Vebian government because he refused to kill his brother, a rebel to the army.
The other prisoner had a marred face from an explosion in the battle. The medics of TTF were only able to patch him up with diamond coated titanium, which reflected the face of all who spoke to him, giving his the nickname of Yourface.
After the battle, TTF spread out and made 4 strong bases on the islands of Japan, one on each large one. They would have to make intricate plans before fighting the whole of Asia would be possible.
Last edited by MysticMog; May 21, 2010 at 09:57 PM.