Original Post
I de-capped jepoy.
yeah I just saw the bounty, and I didn't know wherethefuck to post this. I hope you don't mind.
^click there for it
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
if ur talking bout the Yosaku bounty ting i decapped jepoy first ;]

edit:That aint jepoy o_o
when life gives you lemons you kick ass
Aim for the person who has the bounty on his head next.

btw I know he was either drunk, high, tired or just plainly made a mistake......but its still a hilariously funny mistake
Ahhh... well I read the the thread and the de-capping jepoy was still on it along with a prize, so I thought that might be for second place. soz
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
That... is jepoy? what the in the name of hampa

User warned for shit post. Thread closed. ~marcus
Last edited by marcus; Aug 10, 2008 at 09:33 AM.