So... Requesting Clan GIF Logo, paying enough
So, do you see this?
I want a similar one to it, The clan name is gonna be Gear, Tag: (G) [useless i think]
I want it to fit the name, hq please, and don't do it quick, do it nice, and please don't do it the same exactly lol, i just want it in this kind, Some Gears gif.
I am paying up to I am paying 20k + velvet trails set, 14.5k in market.
Note: Don't try to get free one, i know who are the good artists and who are not.
And even if you said that you are good artist i don't care, i will see what you are gonna do first, and i saw all gifs made of this kind so, if i caught it, ofc i will hate you and never make a deal with you and i will not accept you in anything.
Last edited by 00Assassin00; Jan 19, 2014 at 07:58 AM.