Original Post
[S] Itunes Card
Selling 2 $10 Australian gift cards, (only usable in Australian itunes shop)
Offer any price!
Please tell me if this is not allowed.
Prices are haggable.

Accepting sets now!
Last edited by LordBored; Feb 18, 2014 at 07:02 AM.
Changed prices
70k down to 60k
130k down to 110k
Autobuy is 60k for one or 110k for both. This is the lowest I will go.
yeh it is, i mean i've done it with a steam card but it got closed cause I didnt say what i had to say
I'm not sure if it works, but :
1. Tap Settings;
2. Tap iTunes & App Stores;
3. Tap View Apple ID;
4. Enter your user name and password;
5. Tap Country/Region;
6. Tap Change Country/Region;
7. Select the region where you will be located;
8. Tap Done.

You gotta have an empty account balance before changing regions.
Idk if this works so don't try it if you don't want to. :o