Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
An Actual Tutorial
Could you actually put something that teaches you how to play the game? I'm in a lobby of black belts right now and they're obviously pooping on me but the white belt lobbies are no different and the black belt guys said to check the forums and I already lived on these for like a day and there is nothing so it would be nice to have this feature instead of just staring them down till I get my ripped off by their toes.
Hmh. If you could tell us which mod you are having trouble with, it would be easier to help. All I can say is that Toribash is a game that is difficult to master, and for some people impossible. Its all about playing much, learning how every joint works, and how to use them correctly. If you have problems with either aikido or any variants of aikido, or rk-mma, I can write down some tips (with pictures) I have picked up.
They might've been referring to unibash.
You could find a teacher there.

Anyways, back to the actual topic. What exactly do you think is wrong with the current tutorial? I agree that it's pretty silly, but there's not much more we could do about it. It's just to teach you the controls, because it really takes a while before you know what you're doing in TB.

What I would propose is to go more into detail about other mods apart from aikido. Aikido is a great starter mod because you don't have to worry about falling on your ass, but explaining the other mods to beginners would make people open their eyes to other mods.
Problem with the current system is that it relies on an AI to 'graduate', and apart from watching uke to learn, you're pretty much on your own. there's nothing to learn from that. What we really should do is showing how to counter uke's moves. From easy things like directing the kick into your elbow to reduce the damage, lowering your elbows to counter a suplex, landing and countering a throw. That's what we need to teach the beginners, IMO.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
If you want to learn how to execute certain moves, or to counter others,
like almost everyone would say is; learn from experience (Or if it's a specific
mod, then you could search for a teacher). If you are a Yellow belt
and are losing to black belts, the difference is not just skill, but experience.
Play more and develop your own game-play.

There are a large variety of mods and modes, having a tutorial that would
correspond to the game-play of all of them is not possible, so the tutorial provided
is a general tutorial that covers the basics of moving your character.
Having a tutorial for each of the dozens of mods is also an impossible endeavor,
as everyone plays differently in every mod. It would be too difficult or impossible
to create a default game-play to show all the newbies how to play every specific
mod, as this is overall a game of strategic skill.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
There are a large variety of mods and modes, having a tutorial that would
correspond to the game-play of all of them is not possible, so the tutorial provided
is a general tutorial that covers the basics of moving your character.
Having a tutorial for each of the dozens of mods is also an impossible endeavor,
as everyone plays differently in every mod. It would be too difficult or impossible
to create a default game-play to show all the newbies how to play every specific
mod, as this is overall a game of strategic skill.

I don't think a tutorial in aikido, wushu, lenshu, Tk and ninjutsu would be nearly as hard as you make it sound. Most of the information you need is already on the forums, so the only thing we need to do is figure out how to put it in an in-game tutorial.
You have to learn from experience no matter how much theory you have, but a tutorial would certainly help, especially in a game with such a learning curve as toribash.
Hell, I thought programming a teacher AI would be impossible, this isn't something hard to implement except for some GUI work.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
there's a previous thread for this about improving the computer Tori's capabilities to keep doing moves that are countering the noobies. it was decided the coding was too complicated to create a more developed tutorial.
Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
there's a previous thread for this about improving the computer Tori's capabilities to keep doing moves that are countering the noobies. it was decided the coding was too complicated to create a more developed tutorial.

Yes, and my point was that the uke ai is pretty pointless anyway. There is simply not that much to learn from an ai that kicklifts you without showing how to counter it.
I think move tutorials would be much more effective. That way we can actually show the newbies how to play the game without getting shat on by higher belts.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Best way to learn is to play.

Failing that there's loads of tutorials out there, eg:

The ingame tutorials always sucked, not much you can do when it comes to playing against AI compared to humans.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you