Original Post
Multiple Set Selling
The idea is very sample in it's concept: You 'sell' a head/other body parts image(s) for more than one person.

Not exactly sell the texture itself, just the right of wear it. The 'buyer' won't have any right of selling it for other people. The 'seller' may let the 'buyer' edit it or no.

And it would be much cheaper for the non-artist - that can't have a unique set for it -and it could make more money to the artist. To garauntee the legitimity
of the art the artist use a little 'watermark' in the foot sole, in the neck or wherever it wants with it's name or something like that.

Example: Guy01 made a nice set, but two people offered 100k on it. Instead of sell just for one person all the rights of the texture, he decided to sell just the rights of using to everyone who were willing to pay for it. Then he posted a thread in Art/Textures and 11 people 'bought' for 10k each. Guy01 had a 10k
difference and gained more money than he would gain selling for one person.


Here's a sub-idea: If it works, make customizable sets, like sets with different hair colors, with or without gloves, different body parts in general, or just different colors.


How it would work:
The seller would make a thread with an [WRS] (Wearing Rights Shop or Selling (Please, suggestions of better names) ) and would make the thread normally, specifying the price, showing customizable/recolor options, previous owners, size, artist.
If someone buy the wearing rights, it would have to specify the customizable options and pay the money for the seller. Then the seller would give the image(s).
In the owner want to sell the texture(s) for a specific player it will have to return all the money for all the buyers.
If someone scammed the artist, selling the images or simply sharing them the scammer would be punished as a normal scammer is.



[WRS] Customizable set

Head types

Hands Types


Why it should exist:
It's pretty convenient for development group in general, cause it doesn't require any heavy programmation work. The only difference would be in the toribash forum's rules.
It will help the artists and the 'poor' people. I think that's nice people that can't afford nice unique arts wearing really good sets for low money.

Well, I think that's it. I'm sorry if there's anything wrong in the grammar, english is not my first language. Suggestions, ideas, and critics will be nice.
Last edited by MrPlesaure; Feb 10, 2014 at 12:30 AM.
Accepting art requests. yay
It seems incredibly pointless, people buy art to own art.

What happens when the artist wants to sell it for real? How do you control people selling the art they bough as well, they did buy it.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu