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Joint Texture Suggestion
Joint Texture

Relax Join Texture - I have had this idea in my head for a while now and thought it would be good to share it out and see what you think. I thought it would be nice to have joint textures for the relaxed and force separately. This could lead to something like this: Your force joint textures could be dark, scary, freaky, bloody while your relaxed joint textures are happy, sunny, rainbows and ponies etc... This could lead to more texture and set ideas. I was thinking that if this was to ever be added, the current Joint Texture prices would half and the Relax Joint Texture would be the other half. So if a Joint Texture costs 50K, that would be brought to 25k for the force/relax part of that joint.

Transparency Idea: I find it kind of ugly sometimes with the fact the joint textures show your force/relax. I was thinking that maybe there could be an option for this? So you can set the transparency of the joint texture. Maybe in forum or in game.

In Game - /jttransparency 75
Forum - Underneath Upload Texture It Says: "Set Transparency |75|"

I don't know if any other people see translucent textures but it is very annoying in my opinion.

I like the idea of having separate textures for both the force and relax.
This would increase the many ways of which you could customize your

Though, I'm not sure how this would work, market wise..
I don't really like your suggestion of lowering the prices for joints even
more, even though you're suggesting they'd be for "half" the joint.

Maybe just a separate item for the relax. And the regular joint texture
item is not affected, meaning it applies to both relax and force. That
way, market and owners of the original item won't be affected.
You could have the relax joint texture item at a slightly cheaper
price, not just half. I'd say, maybe 2k less.
Last edited by ThePirateKing; Feb 25, 2014 at 07:18 AM.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
They should not be separated! just imagine how long the shop would be if there was separate textures for them,i think there should be a template wherein you could draw on both the force & relax,like both of them in 1 pic,this way,it would be much easier to see which one's which + Reduce uploading time.may seem improbable but if done successfully,
it wont be a hassle to make one's anymore.

Not sure if supported...
Originally Posted by LunarSoul View Post
They should not be separated! just imagine how long the shop would be if there was separate textures for them,i think there should be a template wherein you could draw on both the force & relax,like both of them in 1 pic,this way,it would be much easier to see which one's which + Reduce uploading time.may seem improbable but if done successfully,
it wont be a hassle to make one's anymore.

Not sure if supported...

Oh no
More TC to sink which benefits the TB economy.
Oh no
More options to customise your character.

There isn't a single reason this shouldn't be implemented
Relax textures could be nice, but could also end up making it harder to tell what's going on in the long run.

See that, I made the only valid reason why they might not happen!

Hardly something that I'd say is a top end priority for being made.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you

I'm not saying it's not a bad idea,i said that the image file for the relax and force will just be one and not separated,and same goes for the item,because if you had a relax and force texture and item for each joint then it would just be very confusing.