Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S]A Bubbly Elf Flame!
This flame. Omg this flame is so sexy and bubbly.
Buy it just, buy it now. (Tc only)
Omg Dl and Lp me if you want a much sexier look C:
It is the best Bubbly Elf flame you'll ever see!
Looking for a sexy price!

Sexy W/ Shaders

Sexy w/o Shaders

Flame w Shaders (gif)

(I can't get good pictures because it is sexy and bubbly)
(dl and lp me for a sexier look)
Flame ID 3241
Last edited by Twat; Feb 26, 2014 at 03:40 AM.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Come up higher please!
I mean just look at how sexy she is!
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

How about closer to 35k!
I mean look at those particles!
She is so beautiful!
Sadly, I have to sell her :'C
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid