Title pretty much says it, i'll pay 20 to 30k for a stylish yet simple reggae based set, which pretty much is Marijuana,hip-hop,graffiti, a mix off all three, try to keep it a Persian/Toxic Colour theme as that is my Force And Relax.
Size.. It doesn't matter make it in what ever size it all fits automatically right?
And just to note, No beats by dre headphones on the head texture or anything that's based around goofy mainstream possessions, Thank you.
And if you could also add a NecroLOGO With PLR somewhere on it
Clicking on them will show you what i mean, Thank you.
Damn, I havent made a set in a while.... some of it will be c/p
Which means you can pay me about... 10 to 20k
Gonna start making the set later on....
Gonna post wips...
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]