Hey guys!
Here with us is a very interesting person, Many people may know him as the owner of the Youtube channel, Man On Fire Films. He has influenced the community of toribash in many ways. Today, we ask him a few questions.
<Chilledon> Hi JackMorris, nice to see that you can do a interview. Let's talk about how you got started in Toribash. How did you first come across Toribash?
<JackMorris> Hi there, thanks for having me. It's certainly no exciting tale of discovery but sometime in 2011 I was bored and browsing a list of top 100 free PC games, noticed Toribash on the list and it looked like something I'd enjoy. Downloaded it that night and played it til 4am.
<Chilledon> Did you have a first impression on Toribash, any thoughts about how the physics of the game worked or anything?
<JackMorris> Well my first impression was that I sucked, but it seemed like something I could learn. I mentioned in my review of the game that it has a fairly steep learning curve but I managed to by pass that by playing with my friends, most noteworthy would be Morgan Williams, who was co-host on Toribash Tips for a while. I very much liked the idea of being able to 'create-a-finisher' as I've heard various people call it.
<Chilledon> So you joined the Toribash Community in 2011, do you feel that the community of toribash has changed any since you first joined?
<JackMorris> It would be hard to talk about the community in 2011, I was relatively unaware of the forums and the people within it, it wasn't really until we started our shows that I got involved with the community, this would be mid 2012, and even since then I've noticed some changes. The largest perhaps being a bigger focus on Toribash related video content, such as what we do, and the communities reaction to such content has been astounding.
<Chilledon> True, video making in toribash has changed alot, song choice, effects, etc. Anyway, do you feel that your youtube channel has influenced the toribash community in anyway whatsoever?
<JackMorris> Indeed I do, I would never dream of saying it was just us, there are lots of other really great YouTube channels out there who produce Toribash content, and I wouldn't even say we were the first. But I think our steady stream of consistent, quality and original content did a lot to boost and inspire the Toribash video making community. Obviously there were fantastic montage makers far before even my original tutorial series on Simply art to boost the video making community.
<Chilledon> Ok, now to ingame things. What was your first clan like and how long did it actually take you to find a clan?
<JackMorris> Hah, once again I'm afraid it's not an exciting tale, my first clan was my current clan, the Moffia, I knew very little about clans prior to Man On Fire Films and once I found out it seemed silly not to make a clan for myself and all our fans.
<Chilledon> Do you or did you play any mods that you consider or considered yourself to be good at, or do you just have any favorite mods in general?
<JackMorris> The only mod I'd really claim to have any knowledge in is Aikido, I certainly play a lot of mods but not extensivly enough to develop tactics of any kind. My knowledge of Akido, as limitted as it is, still provides me with somewhat of a battle plan going in which is something I couldn't say about any other mod. In terms of favourite mod I've gotta give it to MSDS.tbm, that mod never fails to liven things up, although I'm sure I got the letters the wrong away round.
<Chilledon> Very interesting, Is there anything you'd like to say to newcomers of toribash? Advice or anything?
<JackMorris> Watch Toribash Tips. Nah, my only advice really would be to stick with it, as with any game with a steep learning curve it requires a little bit of time to fully appreciate, at first you're going have a lot more fun messing about with your friends in multiplayer than you are trying to be awesome in singleplayer, but through doing that you're going to begin to understand and learn the joints which in turn will make it much easier to play.
<Chilledon> Awesome. Well thank you very much for the interview Jack, see you later!
<JackMorris> No problem, happy to do it, see ya!