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[R] Logo ($10 Payment)
I want a hand sticking up its middle finger, but instead of a middle finger I'd like a rooster. I'd like to stress that it can't be any other bird but a rooster, and that is because a rooster is the specific animal the logo is suppose to represent. The payment shall be $10 through paypal, but it could be more if you really impress me and my partner, please post some wips along the way please. Thank you and good luck with your creations!
Originally Posted by killppl View Post
im on this standard 100x100px right?

It's more of a logo to be put on anything, such as Instagram, Facebook, shirts, etc. I'd like it to be big enough to fit onto a shirt though that's a main priority.
Originally Posted by killppl View Post
ahh alright ill make it decent size then any specific colors

Not really, just make the hands look normal tan skin color and the rooster just like basic rooster colors.
Originally Posted by killppl View Post


here is the sketch

Looks good except for the fact that I forgot to add that it has to be a rooster head, replacing the middle finger, so instead of the middle finger it's the neck and head. Sorry about that, hope it wasn't a big inconvenience. And the thumb should be a tad bigger.
alright no problem i wil do more on this tomarrow and make the adjustments stated
I still take texture requests for usd
Originally Posted by killppl View Post
alright no problem i wil do more on this tomarrow and make the adjustments stated

Alight I'll check the thread when I get the chance, and if I forget about checking the thread tomorrow feel free to send me a pm, thank you.