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Toribash Game Modes

Here I am starting a thread for brainstorming game mechanics based on a few ideas I have been allowing to sit for some time now. I will start off with some ideas to kick things off however I would like this to be a thread to discuss suggestions and ideas specific to "game modes".

By game mode here I don't really mean the menu screen including the rule settings (however the game rules could be incorporated into an idea) but I mean a gameplay mechanic that can alter and affect how toribash is played. You will further understand my intentions by reading my own suggestions as examples.

Starting Game Mode Suggestions

Stamina Mode

-In this mode there is no scores
-Players have a "health" bar instead
-Damage is taken by blows to vulnerable areas such as the head, lower torso, groin.
-When one player reaches 0 health the match ends.
This idea would work best for sparring I'd say. I don't know what to do about dismemberment. Perhaps players could take damage as long as they are bleeding. The only problem with that is that it doesn't work well with the next suggestion.

Brutal Tournament Mode

-Tournament structure stays the same and plays on as per the norm.
-If you gain a fracture you keep that fracture for the remainder or the tournament.
-If you are dismembered you keep your wounds for the remainder of the tournament
-Dismembered parts spawn with you at the start of the match in their regular positions
-This mode can be combined with stamina mode.

I realise that this style of tournament would be TERRIBLE for mods like duel swords (and if I recall taekkyon?). Brutal Tourneys was an idea that kept the mods aikido, ninjutsu, and even wushu at heart. I think it would be fun with the appropriate rules in place and would provoke players to use a more strategic/defensive play style.

Tag Match Mode

-Grabbing players is disabled
-Players do not score points for a strike
-However the last player to receive a strike is "tagged"
-If a player if tagged than the opposite players score increases and keeps increasing over time
-A tagged player is no longer tagged after he makes a successful strike against his opponent and thus tagging his opponent

This game mode was thought up with parkour maps in mind. Expect running and chasing.
-Dismembered parts spawn with you at the start of the match in their regular positions

I don't agree with this. It would be better if i spawned without the part at all.
Having to play without an arm is a fun handicap (no pun intended), but I at the same time have to worry about the arm DQ'ing, it's a bit much.
Maybe even implement a rule that dismembered bodyparts don't DQ at all. (so everything attatched to the head would be a DQ-able part. If you get decapped, only the head will dq, and you will spawn next match with only a head).

Also, I'd like to add to the tag mode:
The only tagging parts should be hands and optionally feet. A tagging part meeting a tagging part is neutral and doesn't count as a contact at all.

On topic of game mechanics, I'd love a wrestling mode, where the floor gives damage like a bodypart. Floor damage should be disabled in pretty much every other mod, because there's really no point in having ground damage in for example wushu and aikido.

Great stuff in this thread btw. Been brought up before, but still.
Last edited by Lazors; Mar 31, 2014 at 02:09 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I like the first 2 modes, if it will be able to work and you don't spawn the bodyparts in brutal tournament.

Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

I fully support this
I must say that the third gamemode would cause some problems and thats because players can easily get into a "hug" position, so striking the opponent would be hard.
I Really like your idea of game modes.except for the tagging mode,not enough "Violence" in it.forces you to quickly tag the other person and run away + if you get tagged and you accidentally turn in the wrong direction and he keeps running away,it's already a sure win,making it a "Whoever gets tagged first loses" sorta thing.

But this needs ALOT of balancing.since there is somethings which interfere with other gamemode's gameplay + isn't really necessary for regular games.The brutal tourney is awesome for events or comps though.

Not yet supported
Yeah I love the Idea, particulary the stamina mod, this is exactly what I expected for Tb, a bit more of arcade style :3 this is Really cool.

Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Maybe disable ghost game mode which is enforced on both players as mod option or as a penalty for something. This would make predictive play more of a factor in game Moses where it typically doesn't factor enough. Imagine how tense Aikido would be if you didn't know exactly where your tori would go. You could make this a handicap while grabbing the opponent or momentarily after dismemberment (if someone ripped off your arm you would probably not pay much attention to which way you smoulder fall.)

Your ideas are really great and would add a lot to game play I think.
Good morning sweet princess
I don't know, Gm read that type of post? they should.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
I must say that the third gamemode would cause some problems and thats because players can easily get into a "hug" position, so striking the opponent would be hard.

Originally Posted by Lazors
The only tagging parts should be hands and optionally feet. A tagging part meeting a tagging part is neutral and doesn't count as a contact at all.

I Really like your idea of game modes.except for the tagging mode,not enough "Violence" in it. I don't see this as a problem.
forces you to quickly tag the other person and run away + if you get tagged and you accidentally turn in the wrong direction and he keeps running away,it's already a sure win,making it a "Whoever gets tagged first loses" sorta thing. I get what you mean, but I don't think it would be as bad as you make it sound like. Maybe in wushu, because of how easy it is to launch yourself into the air, but lenshu, boxshu, and gravitybox would be great fun with such a thing.

But this needs ALOT of balancing.since there is somethings which interfere with other gamemode's gameplay + isn't really necessary for regular games.
That's fine, balancing is done by the community.

I don't know, Gm read that type of post? they should.

Gamemasters don't handle this kind of stuff, but the developers do (or so they say).
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Gamemasters don't handle this kind of stuff, but the developers do (or so they say).

I can assure you ideas that are realistic to develop, thought of as a good idea, and are economically sound to produce are all looked at and heavily considered for development.
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