Original Post
[A]Vortex Relax & Supernova Trails
Vortex Relax Auction
Starting bid: 15k
Minraise: 500 TC
AutoBuy: 26.5k
Autobought by Dragon
EndDate: 48 hours after last valid bid

Supernova trails set
Starting bid: 500 TC
Minraise: 150 TC
Autobuy: 2.5k
Enddate: 48 hours after last valid bid
Last edited by Noobie; Apr 3, 2014 at 02:40 AM.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
They are staying in market incase someone buys, since they are on auto buy anyway.

Offers still going
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Hi Deak and No.
C) Do not attempt to sell, or pay with items or Toricredits that are not in the inventory of the account that is posting. No; "It's in a bank account". This also covers the sale of items currently in the market.

Removed the items from the market. next time please don't try to do this.
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