Original Post
(Shaolin) Shaolin Looking For players
Hey guys, welcome to Shaolin. If you're wanting to join Shaolin, please use the Application format below. for any other information About the clan Please add Jimaz Or who0p on skype.


Request format:
Best mods:
Why do you want to join Shaolin:
Other information you would like us to know:

Clan War Status

Last edited by Jimaz; May 2, 2014 at 03:44 AM.
S A D B O Y S 2 0 0 1
Let me introduce myself,
I'm a friend of Jimaz and a clan friend.
I will make you some clan art today.
Request format:
Name: kakajade
Belt:6th dan belt
Best mods: Wushu
Skills: drunken style , kunfu stuff
Why do you want to join Shaolin:I have tested some members and i like them to play with .
Other information you would like us to know: I am somebody that is active in forum and ingame , but i also have time to play on my guitar .
hey man, i think you would be a great addition to the clan. therefore... you're in.
S A D B O Y S 2 0 0 1
Thanks , also , lets be a bit more active in forum, i think that this clan can be a good clan if you make a story of shaolin, and be active etc