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[TEX] Head in progress
Done the line art for this head I'm working on. Thoughts?

skull mask

Arthur Moderated Message:
Don't forget mentioning programs used to create the artwork!
Last edited by Arthur; Apr 20, 2014 at 02:24 PM.
This one will be without a mandible, unfortunately. It's a mask, you see. I'll update this tonight with progress.

Done and up for sale !
Last edited by Pheature; Apr 19, 2014 at 01:51 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Really well done overall. My only non-nitpicky criticisms are that the ridge in the top center seems really narrow and misplaced (being as skulls generally have nice smooth foreheads) and the brow seems way too harsh.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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It seems you are creating weird focus points and the mapping still isn't 100%. remember you are painting a skin for a sphere not a flat picture, once you fix this your painting Can have its full effect.

Also the line art was better than the final

And the thing going up towards the top is bleh on the sphere
Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
It seems you are creating weird focus points and the mapping still isn't 100%. remember you are painting a skin for a sphere not a flat picture, once you fix this your painting Can have its full effect.

Also the line art was better than the final

And the thing going up towards the top is bleh on the sphere

I could criticize your criticizing skills, but thank you! Honour to have you comment. Yeah, I'm more of a line art kind of guy, shading and colouring is pretty difficult to me. Could you explain what you mean by mapping? Still quite new here.
Last edited by Pheature; Apr 19, 2014 at 03:59 AM.
hehe my phone cnc is quite horrible.

Mapping: Basically its your ability to place all the right things in the right place talking into consideration the polar coordinates and warping. So when you view it in-game or on a sphere it creates the best effect. You can paint the most amazing thing ever on the 512x512 flat and it it might look good there. But if you take it in-game and it could look like garbage.

Mostly I see this in how the lines from between the eyes go up in a v, where it kinda makes a diamond shape once you place it on a sphere, and then your shading on that portion being brighter really makes it pop out as a big bump from the top of the head down towards the middle of the eye which seems unnatural -> misplaced.

Some other little things about where they are placed bug me but ehh. You will figure that out if you texture long enough.

Side-note: the top 1/8 of the head usually gets screwed over by the ingame shaders so its best to make it a solid-ish color

mapping in the noob sense would be "hey your eyes are in the wrong spot blablabla" but I figure you know all that by now.
I find this a really good head, But I don't like it how there is harsh shading around the cheek, It makes it seem that the face isn't connected to the back of the head, But it is a really good head overall.
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