Re: My first try in Illustrator..
Actually Zaarock, you asshole - It's two seperate shapes copied alot. And in the background it's a layer with a different than "normal" blending mode.
There's a reason people don't like you and it's because you try to pick apart their creations and you think you're pretty badass from this. I asked for a score and told the viewers (including your "godly" fucking self) it was my first try.
Be constructive you fucking jerk, I don't care about how you do something, because why? This isn't a thread about your work. When I go and click a link into one of your posts, i'm not thinking about what I can do, but judging what you are putting up for everyone to see. Grow up man.
Keersvvvlelvsvin, thanks! I'm glad ya think so.