Original Post
Additional Replay buttons.
I'm positive that I'm not the only one who finds it annoying to have to delete replays or export replays by going through the toribash files.
By adding these two buttons it will allow players to easily delete or export replays to a location.

I see no downsides, what are you thoughts?

Poorly done photoshop job.

^ I wouldn't say so, A lot of people like to show off their replays and it's annoying to have to dig around in folders to find one when you can just click export to desktop.

This will be great for clans that request replays to join. Or replays in general.
It is a bit of a hassle when you are trying to share replays with other people but i don't think an 'Export Replay' button is necessary.I think a rename button would be much more useful.
[Artist]Saif will be back soon... [TABD]