Original Post
[GM-OVER] Animal Spirit

Animal Spirit

Since the beginning of time, shamans have held deep bonds with animals and their spirits. Nearly every animal represented a certain trait of humans. Among the ancient Indians, people would even be named after the animals which captured their characteristics. Nowadays things are a bit different, but the representation of traits and characteristics through animals has been maintained.

Now it's your time to show us how much you know about the Toribash Staff and their personalities or appearance!

In this event it's your job to analyze and to maybe even study a staff member of your choice. You'll have to bring their characteristics into the animal realm and draw a picture of the animal which would best represent the staff member you picked.

If you'd like to know more about any staff member, researching them via the forums is recommended. You could also take a look at the staff members Tori ingame! Maybe some of them have a special appearance from which you can derive their characteristics.

The entries will be judged on the following main categories:

1. How creative is the idea?

2. Is the idea comprehensible and understandable?

3. Result of the picture (art/design skill)

The rules for this event are the following :

1. It must be an original picture drawn by you. No plagiarism.

2. Choose only ONE staff member.

3. You can create the picture in your medium of choice: digital, physical, whatever. We just have to be able to see it somehow, so even take photos of drawings if you need to!

4. It must be comprehensible! It is recommended that you attach a note to your post explaining why you picked this specific animal and characteristics for the specific staff member. It is also quite easy to take some of the staff members' Toris' appearances into account when drawing the animal (for example, Ishi's animal could be black and red).

5. The animal must be a real one. No mythical or imaginary animals.

6. Don't use animals with which the staff member already has a correlation. That means, no shark for Siku, no fish for Fish, etc.

Judges will be the GM team.

1st. + x5 + 50k TC

2nd. + x3

The deadline will be 1 month from the time where the event is posted. This will be the 06/03/2014 (3rd June).
Last edited by Destram; May 11, 2014 at 08:24 PM.

Qubic as a snapping turtle, Because he is very quick and harsh with his decisions and does not negotiate. Much like a snapping turtles beak
This was honestly supposed to be a serious drawing.
Soap is a big pig because he loves bondage, pigs are also one of the worlds cleanest animals despite popular belief.
Originally Posted by Ping
Ping: You can also look at it in a differenct perspective, showing Soap's torturous side. His inner soul

Dirty or clean? You be the judge.

Last edited by Aracoon; May 6, 2014 at 04:31 AM.
More art events! Yay!
Oh, also... Is there a limit to the number of submissions we can post?
Last edited by ThePirateKing; May 3, 2014 at 05:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.

True ._.

O ya, i'm in

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]