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[Art] Male characters
A project i am working on with a friend of mine. The deets aren't really important, but basically it is a character creator.

large image

These are the starting body types for the male gender, i'll be doing female later. I couldn't change the body type at all however, as it has to stay the same, silhouette wise to match up with armor that will later be made.

I figure the elves (the two on the right) can have special items that make them unique, like hair and tattoos.
Done with this community, you guys suck.
They are pretty good, but the legs are too long and you can't really see the kneecap on the right leg, but since you're going to give them armor, it doesn't matter that much.
face looks sorta monkey-ish

and as oopy said, his kneecaps fallen into his shin, he should probably see a doctor about that.
otherwise, great body study
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
This is a very nicely done human you have there, you even included an example for a black man.
A quick question, is the bulge in the pelvis a donger, or a misconstructed bone?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)