Christmas Lottery
Original Post
People picking on me for being bad at toribash
people keep picking on m and buying me for sucking at toribash, how can i deal with this?
I log in once every 3 years
Everybody was terrible at tb when they first started.

There will always be jerks on the internet because they can hide behind a screen and say whatever they want. You shouldn't let them bother you though, just explain to them that you're new to the game and are just learning the ropes. If they keep being dicks, report their asses.
bananananananananaananananananannanaa delicious
Get better? then they cant make fun of you for being bad, they will have to find something else to make fun of you for.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
This is a horrible thread.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan