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[TEX]One of my favorite head i made :ELF
I'm soo excited. For the first time i finished a head with my tablet.
I tought at the final it will suck but when i saw how the head is looking i was amazed.
About the head:
Size :512x
Worked on: Photoshop cs5 with a wacom pen&touch
Time: Dont ask.

In game:

I will really apreciate cnc and rates.
up for request
shadings good, lightings a bit confused, but w/e
mapping still needs some work, looks ok on the flat, but on the sphere, it looks like its melting.
that outline under the hair, obviously needs work

nice work, and nice progress.
keep up the good work.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
you need to add a litle bit of a puple towards the inside of the eyes so it doesnt look off to 2 different directions
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
I personally like the weird look on the eyes! but the mouth seems lost and the nose due to its shading looks like its tilting to the left
But really really nice work
i like it, it looks cool, but you need to work better on the eyes and their shades

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
the face looks too stretched (horizontally), try to remap it a little.
otherwise i really like the concept and colours.
I read the title as "colon elf" and by the nine I have not chuckled this hard in weeks.

The face is a little wide causing this to look more like a cock-eyed mask, the ears also get lost into the back because of this.
Bring the sides closer to the front and perhaps some further drop shadows or matte shading over the hairpiece - aim to promote the texture you envision this being.
Eyeballs are spherical however these appear flat. I suggest adding the highlights of human eyes without adding the pupils, if I'm understanding what your intentions were.

The skin is delicious though, good job so far. Keep it up!
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."