Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[S]Request Shop
Well, as you can see in the title here is a request shop, you can request anything you want, anything:Head's , Set's[if i like the idea], avy, sign , bla-bla.
Well some examples of my work:

The av:

The av as gif:

Those are some examples..
Ok if you request a head/set:

If you request avvy, sign , bla-bla:
Gif/or not.

Put my at work.
up for request
I would like a minimalistic set, something like a robot tori :3 oh, do colors you feel like doing but Id prefer Pure/Demon and some small Sapphire Add-ons and please I would like it to look like Pulse (player) one :P just dl lp him :3 U will pay with QS Force and some tc. Tc will depend on if I like it.
You can trust me, I'm not a shady person.
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Size: 512x512
Referal/Detalies: A minimalistic set, referring to Pulse texture's
Colors: Pure/Demon with small ammount of Sapphire add-ons :3. The set is Permanent so please take it seriously :*
Payment: QS Force + tc (ammount depends on the quality)
Last edited by fastmove; May 27, 2014 at 10:09 PM. Reason: Ammouny of Tc :3
bec use in t rnet
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