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[Tex] Free Head by Snowwwy (CnC are welcome)

Made this with Adobe Photoshop cs4
For around 1 hour
CnC are welcome.

You can ask me for recolor.
I will recolor only skin.


Last edited by Snow; Jun 3, 2014 at 05:39 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!
Umm snow, this is a very good head texture. But is it 128 by 128? Oh ya and also plz recolour it to purple plz but it is cool tho but i have amethyst force so it would look good if it is purple.

I am the egg man but with another nick. SO SHUT UP OR I WILL EGG U.
I have no idea what it's suppose to be, but it looks awesome lel

Can I See what it looks like, in purple? Almost like a Elfish Color, Or Maybe a Tealish color?
:> Thanks.
Thanks Creation.

Added Amethyst and Elf versions.

Still looking for some CnC
Last edited by Snow; Jun 3, 2014 at 05:39 PM.
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!
please just put an ingame pic, the problem is on flat, it look really aggressive, maybe it will be more stylish if you put a bit of reflection in his eyes.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Wow, still have that same avvy i made you.

Liked the abstract feel to it, make sure to add more shapes and stuff so it looks like it took you more time.
other than that i give it a 7/10
not to shabby sir
Ocean, yus. I love it too much :3
Thanks for your Cnc.

Astral, it was the main idea of this head: something simple and agressive.
There is the reference for eyes:


NO COPY-PAST USED. Re-drawed them for myself.

And i'll post ingame pics right now.
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!