Secret Santa 2024
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[S]Azure & Cybe's Art Request Shop
[Banner WIP]
Welcome fellas! As the title said, Azure and Cyberaero (Cybe) are doing art requests. Something like avatar, sigpic, banner, and even in-game textures. Don't know the procedure? You can simply fill this app!

[Azure's Vector Forum Tools]
Type: (Avatar, Sigpic, Banner)
Size: (For banner, we recommend 800 px x 150 px)
Details: (You have to describe your request clearly)
Screenshot: (Screenshot your tori pose, this is optional)

*Vector Avatar/Signature Price list:
Colored Head: 1/2k + Depends on the details
Colored Head & Body: 2k + Depends on the details
Full details colored: 3k + Depends on the details
Head Only: 2.5k + Depends on the details
Half Body (Head-Groin): 4k + Depends on the details
Full Body: 6k + Depends on the details

I've done doing the promotion, so sorry. No promo discount.


Azure's Avatar Examples

****Waiting list
1. DJTurn3r (Colored Head)
Last edited by Azure; Jun 2, 2014 at 01:10 PM.
Welcome to my counter. i'll edit asap.

Example of my works

Request Form


Last edited by Kaito; Jun 1, 2014 at 12:42 PM.

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor

Type: Avatar
Size: 500x500
Details: Want a vector of my head ( just dl and lp me ), not colored. The background should be transparent.

I want something like this:


Type: Avatar
Details: Just my head (dl and lp). It says color heads are cheaper so I'll take a colored one unless none colored is cheaper. All I have to pay is 3499tc hopefully that's enough.
[AC] Assassin
Originally Posted by DJTurn3r View Post
Type: Avatar
Details: Just my head (dl and lp). It says color heads are cheaper so I'll take a colored one unless none colored is cheaper. All I have to pay is 3499tc hopefully that's enough.

add 1tc and it'll be fine.
on it, though.
Head: 2.5k + Color: 500 tc + details 500 tc = 3.5k
Your head is too dark, I can't barely see it. But it's possible to do.
Okay, just try you best. If you need to you can make the black bit more of a platinum, I will still pay the full price
[AC] Assassin