Leyz - nobudtourney (crowsnest) 2nd +3k
Leyz - sliptourney mod 1sword.tbm 1st +6k
Leyz - sliptourney (zweihandershield) 1st +6k
Leyz - Bdotourney 2nd(wushu) +3k
Leyz - Nartourney 1st (wushu with dojo) +8k
Leyz - Sliptourney 1st (instafeet) +7k
Leyz - veraxtourney 2nd (BetaBox) +3k
Leyz - sliptourney (sumo) 2nd +3k
Leyz - RutzTourney 1st place (Wushufixed) +20k tc
Leyz - DeadTourney 2nd (judofrac) +3k
Leyz - AspireTourney 1st (Jousting) +8k tc
Leyz - LukasTourney 1st (Wushu) +4k
Leyz - InternationalJudoWeek Best Judoist +50k
Leyz - Jepoy tourney 1st (Gprotosumo3) +7k
Leyz - RayTourney 2nd (wcwtablejoustbeta.tbm) +5Ú
Leyz - Onlymar Tourney 1st (Judo) +8k
Leyz - Steveirwin's Spectacular Sports Comp 2nd in Skiing category +10k
Leyz - KipsTourney 1st (Kickbox) +6k
Leyz - DKtour 2nd (aikido) +4k
Leyz - RutzTourney 1st (Taekkyon) +20k
Leyz - DeadTourney 1st (Wushu.tbm) +12k
Leyz - YesTourney 2nd Wushufixed.tbm +10k
Leyz - Bromo-Team Self Mutilation Comp +15k
Leyz - CowDomTourney 1st (Wushu) +13k
Leyz - GreatTourney 1st Day: 2nd (Aikido) +25k
Leyz - MramaTourney 1st (wushu) +10k
Leyz - Ormo Challenge #9 1st +10k
Leyz - NirsTourney 1st (Lenshu3) +6k
Leyz - DimalitTourney 2nd (Wushu) +3k
Leyz - FoxTourney 1st (Wushu) +6k
Leyz - HoboTourney 2nd (Wushu) +3k
Leyz - Jeptourney 1st (Jousting) +6k
Leyz - Foxtourney 2nd (Wushu) +3k
Leyz - jeptourney 1st (aikido) +6k
Leyz - ToriLegends:Jepoy 1st Won Jepoy 4-2 (Taekkyon) +30k
Leyz - LukTourney 1st (Wushu) +6k
Leyz - PoxTourney 1st (Aikido) +7k
Leyz - Poxtourney 1st (Judo) +7k
Leyz - CtrlTourney 2nd (Taekkyon) +3k
Leyz - Jeptourney 2nd (aikido) +3k
Leyz - Jeptourney 1st (Aikido) +6k
Leyz - Jeptourney 2nd (Aikido) +3k
Leyz - lamtourney 2nd (Lenshu3) +3k
Leyz - lamtourney 1st (aikido bigdojo) +10k
Leyz - Kaitourney 2nd (Tenshido) +3k
Leyz - FeDTourney 1st (AikidoBD) +6k
Leyz - Jeptourney 2nd (Aikido) +3k
Leyz - JtankTourney 1st (Judo) +6k
Leyz - Jttourney 2nd (kickbox) +3k
Leyz - Jttourney 1st (Pooljoust) +6k
Leyz - Jttourney 1st (ShovelFighters) +6k
Leyz - Poxtourney 2nd (Katana) +3k
Leyz - Nirstourney 2nd (RealJudov4) +3k
Leyz - Alextourney 1st (Aikido) +6k
Leyz - BtcTourney 2nd (girlaikido) +3k
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (Aikido) +6k
Leyz - ToriLegends:Nuthug 1st Lost to Nuthug 4-2 (Aikido) +10k
Leyz - Jeptourney 1st (Judo) +6k
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (Aikido) +6k
Leyz - Gytourney 1st (Ninjutsu) +57k <--- lolwut :O
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (romanwrestlingbeta) +6k
Leyz - Jeptourney 1st (Aikido) +6k
Leyz - "Imsku is better than you" 2nd (Taekkyon)
Leyz - Autoztourney 1st (Aikido) +6k
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (TimeFight3) +6k
Leyz - Poxtourney 2nd (Plungerarena) +3k
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (kywrestling) +6
Leyz - Bromotourney 1st (SpiritWrestling) +10k
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (aikidobigdojo) +6k
Leyz - Gytourney 2nd (Taekkyon) +3k
Leyz - Gytourney 1st (jousting) +6k
Leyz - TrainTourney 1st (kickbox) +6k
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (TwinSword) +6k
Leyz - Ormo Knees and Elbows event 1st +30k
Leyz - Djtourney 1st (Judo) +6k
Leyz - Nirstourney 1st (rk_sambo) +12k
Leyz - Eletourney 2nd (wushu) +3k
Leyz - M0stourney 1st (aikido) +10k
Leyz - Alextourney 1st (Wushu) +6k
Leyz - Murmtourney 2nd (judo) +3k
Leyz - Kaitrny 1st (Aikido) +6k
Leyz - Lamtourney 1st (lenshu3) +6k
Leyz - Deadtourney 1st (Kickbox) +6k
Leyz - Eletourney 1st (Greykido) +6k
Leyz - Marco's Opener Challenge 1st +6k
Leyz - 1st Nirstourney (spiritwrestling) +5k
Leyz - Kicktourney 1st (wushu) +7k
Leyz - AtlanticTourney 1st (aikidobd) +10k
Leyz - Djtourney 2nd (ninjutsu) +3k
Leyz - Tamer0's torso twist replay comp 3rd +3k
Leyz - "Kickass' and Rafufu's dual replay comp 2" 1st +40k
Leyz - Mictourney 1st (katana) +6k
Leyz - Jakshu tourney 1st (wushu) +6k (+4k vs 2 x Decaps)
Leyz - Fedztourney 2nd (aikido)
Leyz - Fightertourney 1st (wushu)
Leyz - CruxDmtourney 1st (kickbox) +6k
Leyz - cruxtourney 1st (swing) random item prize
Leyz - hucktourney 1st (kickbox) randomite +7k
Leyz - Alphatourney 1st (aikido) +7k
Leyz - gktourney 1st (aikido) +7k
Leyz - Mwah's mod roulette tourney 2nd +3k
Leyz - Alantourney 2nd (taekkyon) +4k
Leyz - Alantourney 2nd (mpswing) +4k
Leyz - Alphatourney 1st (aikido) +7k
Leyz - Gktourney 1st (aikido) +7k
Leyz - Hippybob's Exam replay event 1st +20k
Leyz - Hippybob's Corkscrew flip competition 1st +10k
Leyz - Tempotourney 1st Aikido +7k
Leyz - toril's gktourney 1st Aikido
Leyz - Tempotourney 1st aikido +7k
Leyz - Tempotourney 1st wushoe +7k
Leyz - Mwah's GkTourney 1st ~modified aikido~ neptune force prize
Leyz - RuTeam MortalSkatingTournament 1st ~nofric~ +30k
Leyz - Tempotourney 1st aikido +7k
Leyz - Korvintourney 1st kywrestling +7k
Leyz - Tempotourney 1st aikidobigdojo +aqua blood
Leyz - Tempotourney 1st aikidobigdojo +neptune torso
Leyz - Breytourney 1st wushu_pro +randomitem
Leyz - MarcoAndKickassFightNight2 1st +40k
Leyz - breytourney 1st aikido +7k
Leyz - Breytourney 1st lenshu3 +supernova relax
Leyz - vebtourney 1st aikido +100k and toriprime
Leyz - vebtourney 1st aikido +ToriPrime
Leyz - Breytourney 1st aikido +typhon force
Leyz - Tempotourney 1st aikidobigdojo +7k
Leyz - Poftourney 1st aikido +Shaman Force
Leyz - alienstourney 1st judofrac.tbm +7k
Rafufu - 2nd place in someone's dual katana joust tourney
Rafufu - 2nd place Stevetourney -wushu-
Rafufu - 1st place - MegaTourney - Wushu
Rafufu - 2nd place - Fedtourney - Wushu
Rafufu - Rai's Toribash Sit-com Series - 1st Place
Rafufu - Marco's Opener Contest 3 - 4th place
Rafufu - won 46k of hampa's tc betting on Cyc, lolol
Rafufu - Marco's opener challenge 4 - 1st
Rafufu - RuKeeper's Tourney - Wushu - 1st
Rafufu - Won £2000 horse racing. Suck on that.
Numbers - Whitetourney 1st (Wushufixed) +10k
Numbers ~ Poxtourney 1st (Instagibhead) +7k
Numbers ~ Poxtourney 2nd (Pipeslider) +3k
Numbers ~ Mratourney 1st (Tiny dojo Wushu) +6k
Numbers ~ Nirstourney - AikidoBD - 2nd place +3k.
Numbers ~ Judofractourney - Judo Frac - 1st place + 12k
Numbers ~ Poxtourney (Wushufixed) 1st, +7k
Numbers ~ Fedtourney (Judo) 1st +6k
Numbers ~ Bashtourney (Wushufixed) 1st +7k
Numbers ~ Bishtourney 1st (Trapfans) +14k
Numbers ~ RutzTourney 2nd (Taekkyon) +5k :O
Numbers ~ Davetourney 1st (judo) +6k
Numbers ~ TartTourney 1st (Wushufixed) +6k
Numbers ~ #1 Burden tourney ~akidoBD~ (6k)
Numbers ~ #1 Tourney1 ~Taekkyon~ (6k)
Numbers ~ #2 DeadTourney ~Light Sabers~ (3k)
Numbers ~ ATourney ~ Wushufixed ~ 3k ~ Second place
Numbers ~ Mramatourney ~ Tiny Dojo aikido ~ 4k ~ Second Place
Numbers ~ Alphatourney ~ Runkido ~ 7k ~ First Place
Numbers ~ Alphatourney ~ Spirit Wrestling ~ 7k ~ First Place
Numbers ~ Vebb ~ Aikido ~ 20k ~ First Place
Numbers ~ MicTourney ~ AcroJoust ~ 7k ~ First Place
Numbers ~ OysterTourney ~ ShaolinTwinswords ~ 3k ~ Second Place
Numbers ~ GoricTourney ~ Wushu ~ 10k ~ First Place
Numbers ~ Malitourney ~ Something with guns ~ 3k ~ Second Place
Ace120 - Poxtourney 1st (Over_pass) 7k
Ace120 ~ Tinerrtourney 2nd (taekkyon) 3k
Ace120 ~ Tinerrtourney 1st (judo) 6k
Ace120 ~ Poxtourney 2nd (judoFrac) 3k
Ace120 ~ Djbestourney 2nd (judo) 3k
Ace120 ~ Mantourney 2nd (lenshu3) 4k
Ace120 ~ Fedtourney 1st (balance_beam) 6k
Ace120 ~ Nirstourney 2nd (aikido) 3k
Ace120 ~ LightTourney 1st (cqc or close quarter combat) 7k
Ace120 ~ AlexTourney 1st (wushu) 6k
Ace120 ~ Stevetourney 1st (MPcrusher-blenders) 17k
Ace120 ~ FedTourney 1st (golem) 6k
Ace120 ~ OnlymarTourney 1st (judo) 8k
Ace120 ~ TinerrTourney 2nd (judo) 3k
Ace120 ~ LievinTourney 1st (wushu) 6k
Ace120 ~ LievinTourney 2nd (Taekkyon) 3k
Ace120 ~ TinnerTourney 1st (taekkyon) 6k
Ace120 ~ LapsusTourney 1st (Aikido) 20k
Ace120 ~ Nirstourney 2nd (no_mma) 3k
Ace120 ~ OnlymarTourney 1st (judofrac) 6k
Ace120 ~ Djtourney~ Judo ~ First ~ 6k
Ace120 ~ Tinerr tourney ~ kickbox ~ 6k ~ 1st place
Ace120 ~ 2nd place Nirs tourney ~rk_sambo~ (3k)
Ace120 ~ alextourney ~ 6k ~ first place ~ aikido
Ace120 ~ poxtourney ~ 6k ~ wushu ~ First place
Ace120 ~ FnDTourney ~ judo ~ 20k ~ First place
Ace120 ~ vebtourney 1st aikido ~ toriprime
Ace120 ~ 2nd place ~ lumeTourney ~ 3k (pfffff)
Ace120 ~ 1st place GMTourney Katanaikidoual.tbm 06/15/2013
Ace120 ~ Sir Moop GMtourney Taekkyon.tbm- 1st place 4/22/15
Erth - Taekkyon GmTourney 1st place 09/01/2011
Erth - Aikido GmTourney 1st place 09/03/2011
Erth - Taekkyon GmTourney 1st place 08/05/2011
Erth - Aikido.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 11/04/2011
Erth - Aikido.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 11/03/2011
Erth - Wushu.tbm GmHotseat Prize Winner 26/07/2011
Erth - Taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 1st place 01/09/2011
Erth - Taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 1st place 01/09/2011
Erth - Taekkyon.tbm Gmtourney 1st place 30/11/2011
Erth - Zweihander GmTourney 2nd place 21/01/2012
Erth - Aikido GmTourney 1st place24/12/2011
Erth - Judofrac gmtourney 1st place 18/01/2012
Erth - Aikido GmTourney 1st place 24/12/2011
Erth - Aikidobigdojo.tbm Gmtourney 1st place 13/02/2012
Erth - greykido.tvm Gmtourney 2nd place 17/02/2012
Erth - aikidobigdojo.tbm Silver Tourney 2nd place 17/02/2012
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 19/02/2012
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 1st place 22/03/2012
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 27/03/2012
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 07/04/2012
Erth - tabelfighting.tbm GmHotseat Prize winner 02/05/2012
Erth - stabjutsu.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 26/06/2012
Erth - ErthTkV2.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 30/07/2012
Erth - Ninjitsu.tbm Infratourney 1st place 30/07/2012
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 31/07/2012
Erth - ErthTkV2.tbm GmTourney 1st place 05/08/2012
Erth - greykido.tbm Gmtourney 1st place 06/08/2012
Erth - palki.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 23/08/2012
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 1st place 03/10/2012
Erth - ErthTkV2.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 14/10/2012
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 1st place 02/12/2012
Erth - rk-mma.tbm GmTourney 1st place 08/12/2012
Erth - ropefight.tbm Gmtourney 1st place 12/12/2012
Erth - joustbars.tbm GmTourney 2nd Place 24/12/2012
Erth - judo.tbm GmTourney 1st place 25/12/2012
Erth - ErthTkV2.tbm GmTourney 1st place 19/01/2013
Erth - ErthTkV2.tbm GmTourney 1st place 16/02/2013
Erth - ballsquasher.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 06/03/2013
Erth - judofrac.tbm GmTourney 1st place 16/03/2013
Erth - ErthTkV2.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 23/03/2013
Erth - Classic.tbm GmOneChance 2nd place 18/04/2013
Erth - ninjitsu.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 25/05/2013
Erth - mushu.tbm AcidTourney 2nd place 29/05/2013
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmVictory 1st place 15/06/2013
Erth - greykido.tbm GmTourney 2nd place 01/07/2013
Erth - taekkyon.tbm GmTourney 1st place 14/07/2013
Erth - rb_mma.tbm GmTourney 1st place 27/10/2013
Erth - swfixed.tbm GmHotseat Neck Frac prize 30/11/2013
Erth - mushu.tbm GmTourney 1st place 14/12/2013
Erth - Judofrac.tbm RBTourney 2nd place 23/05/2014
Erth - Judo.tbm RBTourney 1st place 27/05/2014
Pulse - Gynx wushu tourney 09-18-'09 1st place
Pulse - Susanic wushu tourney 08-10-09 1st place
Pulse - Pleasu single player event - "Proof your talent" 04-17-'10 1st place
Pulse - Mwah torisex tourney 06-14-'10 1st place
Pulse - Chuckninja taekkyon tourney 18-12-'12 1st place
Pulse - Do not drop Competiton 11-19-2009 2nd place
Pulse - Marco's opener competition 14 07-23-2010 2nd place
Pulse - ORMO's Overhead competition 06-21-'11 2nd place
Pulse - Chuckninja taekkyon tourney 17-12-'12 2nd place
Pulse - Chuckninja wushu tourney 17-12-'12 2nd place
Swexx - GmTourney taekkyon 01/03/2013 1st place
Swexx - GmTourney ErthTkV2 14/03/2013
Elate - GmTourney | Kendo.tbm | 1st place | 03/03/2013 | + Pharos Torso
Elate - GmTourney | wushu.tbm | 2nd place | 03/03/2013 | + velvet dq
Elate - GMTourney | katanajousting.tbm | 2nd place | 07/03/2013 | + Left Foot Texture, Left Hand Texture
Elate - GMTourney | lenshu3ng.tbm | 1st place | 09/03/2013 | + Full Velvet Trails
Elate - SModTourney | 000gun01.tbm | 2nd place | 09/03/2013 | Own Tourney
Elate - RBTourney | Running.tbm | 2nd place | 10/03/2013 | + 4k
Elate - GMTourney | Wushu3.tbm | 2nd place | 11/03/2013 | Own tourney
Elate - GMTourney | Stabjutsu.tbm | 2nd place | 15/03/2013 | Own tourney
Elate - GmTourney | taekkyon.tbm | 1st place | 16/03/2013 | Own tourney
Elate - GMTourney | Wushu.tbm | 1st place | 19/03/2013 | + Beetle Force
Elate - RBTourney | Lenshu3ng.tbm | 1st place | 02/04/2013 | + Magnetite relax
Samopal | 1st | Ninjutsu | AlphaToruney |
Samopal | 1st | Mushu | GmTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Katanaikido | GmTourney |
Samopal | 1st | chineseaikido | AshTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Random | Random Tourney |
Samopal | 1st | Cars_battle_arena | FargTourney |
Samopal | 1st | TwinSwords4 | LamTourney |
Samopal | 1st | AnimeSword | DeadTourney |
Samopal | 1st | ShaolinSumo | GyTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Taekkyon | GyTourney |
Samopal | 1st | BetaBoxFixed | Bromoteam |
Samopal | 1st | Aikido | Gytourney |
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed | BesTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Lenshu3 | USSR Tourney |
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed | DrakulaTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Jousting | JepTourney |
Samopal | 1st | ProBetaBox | Bromoteam |
Samopal | 1st | Aikido | JepTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Aikido | DeadTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Gminime | Ashtourney |
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed | Sliptourney |
Samopal | 1st | Animesword | Sliptourney |
Samopal | 1st | Jousting | JepTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Girlwushu | JepTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed | DeadTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Random | RuKeepers Tourney |
Samopal | 1st | Taekkyon | MicTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed | MicTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Anime | MicTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed | Giotourney |
Samopal | 1st | Sumo | SylarTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Kickbox | Ishitourney |
Samopal | 1st | Sambo | MwahTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed | FargTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Judofrac | Haxtourney |
Samopal | 1st | Taekkyon | Dartourney |
Samopal | 1st | Aishu | Hacktourney |
Samopal | 1st | No-mma | TarlTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Sumo | Gmtourney |
Samopal | 1st | Aikido-twins | TarlTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Classicsumo | Herring |
Samopal | 1st | Aikido | EdTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Rk-sambo | ClanTourney |
Samopal | 1st | BetaBoxFixed | WCTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Soccer2penalty| GMTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Jousting | SirTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Classic |[RuTeam]CounterStrike|
Samopal | 2nd | Wushufixed | FargTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushufixed | JepTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Kickbox | Traintourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushufixed | Sliptourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Lenshu3 | Nirstourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Jousting | BdoTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushufixed | SlipTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | JudoFrac | NirsTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushufixed | BromoTeam |
Samopal | 2nd | JudoFrac | LamTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushufixed | GkTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Runkido | Alphatourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushufixed | DmTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | BetaBox | GkTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushu_dojo | GkTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | KickBox | GkTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Swing_instagib| GkTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Lenshu | MicTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Wushu_pro | GmTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | AkidoBD | GioTounrey |
Samopal | 2nd | AikidoBD | AndrzTourney |
Samopal | 2nd | Ninjutsu | GMTourney |
Samopal | 1st | Steelpackage.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 2nd | Mushu.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | NoFriction.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Erthtkv2.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Wushufixed.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Spinbag.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Boxshu_mushu_v2.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | GmVictory
Samopal | 2nd | Judofrac.tbm | Gmtourney
Samopal | 1st | gtf233.tbm | GodTourney
Samopal | 1st | Blender.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Rk-mma.tbm | GmVictory
Samopal | 1st | SumoWushu.tbm | YesTourney
Samopal | 2nd |Bladeandshieldv2fixed.tbm | YesTourney
Samopal | 1st | Nofriction.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Judofrac.tbm | RBTourney
Samopal | 1st | Aikido.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Classic.tbm | UkeLove
Samopal | 1st | Ninjutsu.tbm | RBTourney
Samopal | 1st | Shidokan.tbm | RBTourney
Samopal | 2nd | Gtpolevault.tbm | GodTourney
Samopal | 2nd | Judofrac.tbm | GmTourney
Samopal | 1st | Shidokan.tbm | GMTourney
Samopal | 2nd | Lightninglenshu.tbm | Sigmatourney
Samopal | 1st | Shidokan.tbm | GmVictory
* *
Last edited by leilak; Apr 23, 2015 at 06:25 PM.
Reason: sex