Original Post
(Stuck) Toristuck Recruitment
The Toristuck clan is a relatively recently founded clan. It represents the homestuck community within toribash. If you wish to apply for Toristuck please submit a freeform application including the following:
-Skype (if possible)
-Alternate accounts (if applicable)
-Past infractions
-Past clans
-Best mods
-Time zone
-Why you think Toristuck is a good fit for you
-Interesting information about you that you think we should know

You will be required to try out with one of the owners, co-owners, or recruiters in the clan in order to be elligible. Tryouts to evaluate your skill will take place in standard mods, due to the clan not having an official mod. Judgement of skill is subjective, and should be appropriate to your belt.

If you do make it in, you will be on a two week trial period. If at the end of that period you have been active and participated in the clan then you will be upgraded to a full member.

Last edited by Terminally; Jun 3, 2014 at 12:58 AM. Reason: Grammar fix