Original Post
(Ad) Adventure Recruitment
In order to apply for Adventure submit a free-form paragraph style application including the following:
-Belt (≥Brown)
-Skype (if possible)
-Alternate accounts (if applicable)
-Past infractions
-Past clans
-Best mods
-Time zone
-Why you think Adventure is a good fit for you
-Interesting information about you that you think we should know

You will be required to try out with one of the owners, co-owners, or recruiters in the clan in order to be eligible if your application is favorably reviewed. Tryouts to evaluate your skill will take place in standard mods. Judgement of skill is subjective, and should be appropriate to your belt.

If you do make it in, you will be on a two week trial period. If at the end of that period you have been active and participated in the clan then you will be upgraded to a full member.

Last edited by Terminally; Jun 3, 2014 at 09:17 PM.
Hello my name is Brandon and I would love to be apart of your clan. I am a blue belt and my QI is 417. I have never been apart of another clan (But I did apply to join backflips a while back). I make youtube videos and live stream on twitch. I am learning how to spar and parkour. I am best at grey kido and bigdojo akido and i have a special kick for mushu though. I live in Califounia, so my time zone would be Pacific Time Zone. I want to join your clan because it seems your clan knows what its doing and I feel your clan has potential to be great and with my help i feel i could help speed up that proccess.I feel I am a good fit for your clan because well i am fairly good at toribash I and i am learning how to make good mods for toribash. My skype is SickGamer23. here are some of my videos and replays
Attached Files
Beeep.rpl (40.9 KB, 3 views)
Booooooooop.rpl (38.4 KB, 3 views)
AWESOME DeCAP.rpl (54.9 KB, 4 views)
Fatality.rpl (27.7 KB, 3 views)
What I can realy do.rpl (27.5 KB, 3 views)
Epic Save!!!!!.rpl (43.7 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by PandaKing2; Jun 3, 2014 at 04:53 AM. Reason: *Fixing Grammar*
Originally Posted by gunnerslaya View Post
Term its me ca i Please join

Denied for obvious reasons... make a full application please.
-IGN x1vi
-Belt (≥Brown)
-Skype (if possible) Chat Only Please.
-Alternate accounts (if applicable)
-Past infractions{SomeTime Stuborn Due To Depression
-Past clans Idk really
-Best mods Acro Joust
-Time zone GmT Texas
-Why you think Adventure is a good fit for you I LIke Ads...
-Interesting information about you that you think we should know I Like Fury Stlye
"The God"X1VI
Originally Posted by x1vi View Post
-IGN x1vi
-Belt (≥Brown)
-Skype (if possible) Chat Only Please.
-Alternate accounts (if applicable)
-Past infractions{SomeTime Stuborn Due To Depression
-Past clans Idk really
-Best mods Acro Joust
-Time zone GmT Texas
-Why you think Adventure is a good fit for you I LIke Ads...
-Interesting information about you that you think we should know I Like Fury Stlye

Denied. Your application was not in paragraph form, nor was it well thought out. Proper grammar is a must as is spelling. Much more information needs to be included.
My name is Mikael.

My ingame name is Pingu887. I am 19 years old, and from Finland.

I have 4th dan black belt. :3

My skype name is Rev is Spai, and the picture on the profile is teenage mutant ninja squirtles.

I only have 1 alt account, and that one is called Pootisus.

I have had not had any infractions for the past 6 years.

My past clans were [Beta] (ages ago, not the current one. Leader was called Tyfuu.) [DSquad] (I was the leader of it years ago.), and (Nitro) (left it due to personal reasons)

I don't have any specific mod I'm good at, but I do decently at most mods.

Time zone +2Gmt, the timezone of Finland.

Adventure seems to have friendly people, and that's the main quality I like in clans.

I might be a bit of an oddball and I have problems with my mental health, but I think I'll do decently. :3
Welcome Pingu
Originally Posted by pingu887 View Post
My name is Mikael.

My ingame name is Pingu887. I am 19 years old, and from Finland.

I have 4th dan black belt. :3

My skype name is Rev is Spai, and the picture on the profile is teenage mutant ninja squirtles.

I only have 1 alt account, and that one is called Pootisus.

I have had not had any infractions for the past 6 years.

My past clans were [Beta] (ages ago, not the current one. Leader was called Tyfuu.) [DSquad] (I was the leader of it years ago.), and (Nitro) (left it due to personal reasons)

I don't have any specific mod I'm good at, but I do decently at most mods.

Time zone +2Gmt, the timezone of Finland.

Adventure seems to have friendly people, and that's the main quality I like in clans.

I might be a bit of an oddball and I have problems with my mental health, but I think I'll do decently. :3

Accepted. Welcome to Adventure.
My name is Trent. My in game name is trentboss1. I am a brown belt. My Skype is (thatnumber1gamer). No alternate accounts.

No alternate accounts. No past infractions. No past clans. My best mods are Akido Akidobigdojo and Judofrac. My time zone is GM+/7:00.

Adventure is one of my favorite clans I think whould be good in this clan.
I am also 13