Original Post
Offline/Local play
I see tons of people complaining that they can't play with their brother/sister/friend in the same house because of the multiclient issue.
The solution to this is an option for local play. Have it so you're able to connect to the other player, well... locally via same wifi connection. No Qi or TC would be earned in this mode. It's basically free play with 2 players; you can change the game settings, game mods, etc.
I don't see it being too difficult to implement into the game. So, what are your thoughts?

[Insert stereotypical "this may have been suggested before, but..." sentence here]
I think its big mistake to solve multiclienting by not allowing 2 accs with same ip in one room. Solution is prevneting gaining tc in official rooms (when they fight each other 0 tc instead 10 tc) and for tourneys must be able to do "/en" only for one with same ip (firt who type /en entering the tourney queue). QI farm not worthy any attention in rhe most of cases.