Original Post
Best replays i made in singleplayer
Here my replays are back: i deleted some of the old ones, after i removed them from here, but i show you what i got. All of the videos are danish names, as im from denmark and have to remember the names. In the start of all replay names theres wrote 'Frede' coz my name is Frederik

This one is the one i use the starter, my friend teached me:Frede arm af også.rpl
This one is one of my favorites:Frede midt over sidst.rpl
This one has a good start but turns into more clumsy work after 200 frames or so ^^, also this video is lagging i bit, dont know why :Frede slag og spark 4.rpl
This is 100% my own starter, not from tutorials, not from friends:Frede sammen med ralle.rpl
This is the same starter as "Frede arm af ogsaa" (As you might see). But instead i get head of instead split him:Frede Sman.rpl

Last edited by Ondti; Aug 17, 2008 at 07:42 PM. Reason: Closed!
oh, no, man, no. this is all wrong. you're not supposed to post replays of you following tutorials that are available to us all.

and even if people did that, they would tell which are their own and which are from tutorials.

actually I should flame you or tell you to sacrifice little girls now, but I'm not in the mood. and that means you're very lucky.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Det lader til at du også er dansker, hva'?
(Looks like you're a dane too, eh?)

ANYWAYS, these replays don't look half bad as a first impression, which i like. (Surprised? :P)
But now for the more in depth criticism...

Frede arm af også: This ones starter looks surprisingly similiar to my Wushu
opener, but no worries, i'm not accusing you of anything, and it isn't the exact same thing :P
The kick is pretty nice, utilizing relaxed joints and such, and the following kick
wasn't bad either. Personally i'm a fan of great violence, and this replay doesn't
really have that much of it, but that's just me.
After the kick you do next to nothing, but that's kind of irrelevant.
Good job!

Frede midt over og tilbage: Hmm, pretty much just a relaxed snap kick
to start with (Better than a held one though), and dang, i would have LOVED
to see a decap thereafter, but it never really came. It is fairly smooth though.
Not as good as the above one.

Frede rigtig gode decap: At first, i was like, "wut spilts r not dekap",
but after watching it fully, i see that there was indeed a decap. It wasn't that
good however, as you just kind of clutched him 'till his head popped off.
Which also kind of broke the flow.

Frede Sman: I see the same starter again... But this time it's a decap kick.
It's pretty smooth, but it sure could use more "Oomph" to go with it.
Not much else to say.

Frede styrer: I see a pretty neat decap kick right here. It lands cleanly
in his gob, and it does have "Oomph". Flows well too.

Also, Archlurps, he said that he copied *some* starters, not all of them.
But apart from the starters, he says that he did the rest himself, so there really
is no reason to be so cranky. (Normally i'd rant here, but ehh... "Not in the mood" ^.^)

Good job(s) Ondti, keep it up like this. You might want to work on getting more "Oomph" though,
as that was the thing that many of the replays lacked.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
didn't you say there was something from tutorials?

well, then again, if your friend was there telling you what to do each frame, then it's the same thing, but if he was only giving you tips on what to do to cause this, then do put them back

sorry for the misunderstanding.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
why did he remove the replayS?
I want to see them
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
He misunderstood what I said... or I misunderstood what he did... not sure

anyways, I feel rotten about this right now. I thought that by "some I copied from other folks" he meant he posted step-by step tutorial replays, but apparently he just got helped by a friend...
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
noooooooooo,it's all closed
Not all scars show, not all wounds heal Sometimes you can't always see The pain someone feels.
I'm sorry Archlurps for misunderstanding you, my friend didnt say what to do frame for fram, he just teached me the starting move. I'm realy for being this unfriendly to you, i'll put my replays back
The Tori's dont got balls, so i kick head off instead.