Original Post
How do i make a clan?
Hey, Lame Ninja here me and my lil' bro play Toribash and we wanted to start a clan, so how do we make a clan and add clan tags to our names?

-A leader

-20k tc (that's 20000)

-A clan tag, such as [Bncy] or [TJKD] or [RWL]. I'm strongly against things like "[Clan-leader-ninja-warrior]Nubcaek" as your full name. A clan tag is supposed to be like a tiny decoration. Small, simple.


-First off, make a thread about your clan. The thread name should be [DSC] plus your clan name. Include a story, memberlist, clan aim, and any sort of organization you might have planned out. Get your name out into the community, and try to get them to like you. This isn't really necessary anymore, but nobody's going to know who the hell you are if you don't do this. Also, it's easier to recruit if you make yourself available in many places.

-When you're ready, you'll send me your 20k tc, with the name of your clan, it's tag, and its leader's name CLEARLY DISPLAYED to make absolutely certain there is no room for error.

-At this point, I set up your clan and it's leader, and your subforum. You now go into Toriclans and update your roster there, but keep in mind that ONLY THE LEADER CAN DO THIS.


-You should make sure you have a good number of members before you make your clan. The tc won't be refunded if it falls apart.

-Know who you want to be listed as leader, because ToriClans only allows one leader per clan. If you have multiple leaders, one of them has to be the "official" leader.

-If you've seen other clans with passworded subforums, it's because they had a good reason for it. If you think your clan needs (read: NEEDS) one, come to me with your reason. If I think it's a good reason, you can get a passworded subforum as well. Keep in mind though, I don't like giving out passworded areas, so it must be a need, not a want.

No need to send 50k for a clan room anymore, since rooms can now be created on a whim. If you send 50k for a room, it will be sent back."
Taken from -

1. Your clan's topic should be informative and welcoming, if you want it to go anywhere. Overuse of smilies isn't allowed.

2. Do not start your own clan's poll, because I don't even do polls anymore. Seriously, what do you think I'm updating all the stickies for? D:

3. Be respectful of each other, no flaming, etc etc. You've heard it all before. If you're being too harsh, I'll ask/tell you to stop. If you won't stop flaming, I'll deny your access to Clan Discussion. It won't be tolerated.

4. Necromancy is still wrong, and reviving old clans is still not allowed.

5. If you're going to make a topic, it's either a [DSC] about your clan, or something that's generally useful. Anything without a purpose will be deleted for organizational purposes.

6. If you are found to be breaking the rules on your own server, you lose it. Farming is not allowed, in any capacity.

7. If your clan looks to be inactive, a warning will be posted on your forum. If you or a fellow clan member don't/doesn't answer it within a week, your clan is considered "dead" and will be removed.

Rules are subject to change as I realize I forgot to mention things. Topic's name will be updated with the date every time I update the rules."
Taken from -

If you need anymore info you can certainly ask here in support or refer to:

Big Kudos. Save the page in your favorites. Trust me.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
Total Cookies Gained: 1
Heh, yeah, good luck to your clan! You can also gain TC faster with "Boosters". They increase the amount of ToriCredits per win. You can also buy some from Nabi or other Members. If you are good at art you can also sell textures than people can apply to their Tori's.
