Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Account Bank
I'd like to see a feature implemented where a user can store tc in a bank situated in their account, a safe way to stop yourself from fueling your tc gambling addication.

I was thinking you could add tc to the vault, and make it password protected so you really think before wasting all your tc.
Well, then you will just take it out to gamble... How about you set a time? So you make the bank vault 'locked' for a certain amount of weeks. Maximum limit can be 1 month. Just in case somebody sets it for a year or something stupid like that.

-Supported (With reasons stated).
Pretty stupid, just learn to practice self-control. The only outcome I can visualise is a lot of users bugging admins to unlock their accidentally banked TC, or TC that they've decided they now want.
What makes this idea stupid? You said it's pretty stupid then backed it up with a bad reason. A bank system would be nice because it also means if you do end up spending all your withdrawn TC you will have extra left in your bank.

Lots of people create new accounts to do this but you can't transfer with it without playing games. Fee, the lock system was a suggestion and it doesn't keep it forever so I don't see why you said 'That they've decided they now want'.

If you don't want to have a bank because you have 'self control' don't. There is no need to stop other people from doing what they think is best for themselves.
other than that:
if u think that the tc should lock it self for time
then u are pretty stupid(no offence) but u are stupid(also no offence)
if u have tc-controling situation
it is not our problem
its your money
u gotta man up and know how to run your money
Last edited by scorpionma; Jun 7, 2014 at 06:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
u can make another acc and
- lock money in safetrade with this acc
- create shared bank with acc

~ Supported anyway
I dont agree with this suggestion cant you just create another acc and to not forget the username or password write them in a paper and put it in you re desk
I never forget.
You can but I doubt you want to sign in, transfer TC, sign out, sign in, transfer TC, sign out, sign in.

It's easier to just click a button.
...just practice self control

Don't go to a bet server

Start saving tc

Then buy stuff that you want

And just play tb like a normal player

And I lost 9k just betting and after that I stop and I got tc with tourneys and selling items
Last edited by MagmaClash; Jun 7, 2014 at 10:04 PM.
Hey I am a Mushu Player and You can find me on Mushu Tourney's and I am good at Aikido too