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Why no Big event?
we should have big events, like world championship etc... etc... events organise by all toribash staff, Esport, in live, something official. with a crazy price like a unique Item forged by the better toribash forger or something.
for now we turn on current market Item, low price, event unofficially organised by some toribashers. I think it's not good the durability of the game :/
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
We had the aikido championships hosted by might humpa. I do agree, we should have huge, special events. But I don't believe this belongs in discussion
I kind of agree. More events done from a team point of view not from just a few players and slap a label on it. People wanna are see.