Original Post
Selling my toriclan for 10k tc! 5k off original price.
Last edited by Swaves; Jun 17, 2014 at 10:26 AM.
Originally Posted by Clan Rules
The Rules
If any of the rules are broken, you can expect punishment without warning.What is acceptable is up to the discretion of the moderators.
Behave. Be respectful of each other. Don't invade when told not to.
If you're going to post a thread here, it should either be a new clan or something that's generally useful. Anything without a purpose will be deleted for organizational reasons.
If your clan looks inactive, a warning will be posted on your forum. If an explanation isn't provided within a week, we'll assume your clan is dead and your board will be shifted to the Dead Clans board. Your clan’s Toriclan page will also be removed.
Hand-me-down clans are not allowed. This includes the buying or selling of clan boards or leadership, and various other ways of dodging the council.
Post count requirements of any kind are not permitted. This includes post count requirements for joining the clan, "you must make this many posts in our thread" and "posting x times" as part of your rules/requirements etc. You are liable for a ban if we find someone has spammed posts just so they can apply for your clan.
The contents of a clan bank are considered to belong to the body of the clan. A clan’s TC is not for personal use. If you decide to donate, you should specify in a post what and who the TC is for to make sure it is documented and accounted for before it is used. The members of a clan are responsible for picking trustworthy bankers; the bankers should not break that trust.

taking art requests for USD