Heads up for people that like free games (and own a steam account)
Get your free copy of Spacechem at pcgamer.com
Come back every wednesday for some weeks, they got a new game to give away every week. At the moment it's possible to claim Spacechem to your steam account.
I figured I'd let you guys know.
Another give-away for a horror game called AFTERFALL INSANITY extended edition, you can get it at
Indiegala Sorry guys, this one expired.
Time to fill up our game libraries, guys!
Be quick because these are not unlimited!
tl;dr get free games for steam at
Indiegala EXPIRED
If you don't own a steam account... you're missing out on a lot of shit. Get one at
http://steamcommunity.com for free.
Last edited by Dilara; Jun 26, 2014 at 10:17 PM.